The project
The premises are located between Steenstraat, Bruges' principal shopping street, 200m from the Market Square, and Zilverstraat, right in the historical heart of Bruges' cultural centre, included as a medieval city on UNESCO's world heritage list.
The 16th and 18th century buildings are protected as architectural heritage monuments. The vacant offices were redeveloped as part of a collaborative effort with the City of Bruges' Urban Planning and Monument Department. The Steenstraat side is provided with a high-quality mix of retail and catering establishments while Zilverstraat has 14 residential apartments, 3 offices for the liberal professions and 17 underground parking spaces.
The exterior facades and the inside area have been restored with the historical character being preserved as much as possible. The inner garden has been redesigned.
Côté Steenstraat, on retrouve une combinaison de commerces de détail et d’établissements horeca de qualité. Côté Zilverstraat, le complexe héberge 14 appartements, 3 cabinets destinés à des professions libérales et 17 places de parking souterraines.
L’intérieur et la façade extérieure ont été restaurés dans un souci de préservation maximale du caractère historique. Le jardin intérieur a, lui aussi, été réaménagé.
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